P2P - перевод на русский
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P2P - перевод на русский

Пиринговые сети; Пиринговая сеть; P2P; P2p; Одноранговые сети; Peer-to-peer; Peer2peer; Peer
  • '''Одноранговая сеть''', в которой узлы «общаются» между собой без центрального элемента
  • серверу]])

P2p; P-to-p; P2P (disambiguation)

Смотрите также


peer-to-peer protocol         
  • Distributed hash tables
  • [[SETI@home]] was established in 1999
  • Overlay network diagram for a '''structured P2P network''', using a [[distributed hash table]] (DHT) to identify and locate nodes/resources
  • [[Torrent file]] connect peers
  • seed]] (large system at the bottom), the pieces are individually transferred from client to client. The original seeder only needs to send out one copy of the file for all the clients to receive a copy.
  • Overlay network diagram for an '''unstructured P2P network''', illustrating the ad hoc nature of the connections between nodes
  • Search results for the query "[[software libre]]", using [[YaCy]] a free [[distributed search engine]] that runs on a peer-to-peer network instead of making requests to centralized index servers (like [[Google]], [[Yahoo]], and other corporate search engines)
Peer to peer; Peer-to-peer network; Peer-to-Peer; Peer to peer network; Peer 2 peer; Peer2peer; Peer-to-peer networking; Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems and Incentive Mechanisms; CoopNet content distribution system; P2P network; Peer (Networking); Peer to Peer; Peer-to-peer communications; Peer-to-peer computing; Peer-to-peer protocol; P2p services; P2P services; Peer-to-peer (computing); P2P Network; CoopNet; Peer-to-peer networks; Peer-to-peer (network architecture); Peer-to-peer model; P2P networks; Peer-to Peer; Peer-to-peer communication; Social impact of peer-to-peer networks; Applications of peer-to-peer networks; P2p networks; Peer (networking); Structured peer-to-peer network; Unstructured peer-to-peer network; Political implications of peer-to-peer networks; Peer network
протокол обмена между одноуровневыми или одноранговыми субъектами, равноуровневый протокол
peer-to-peer communication         
  • Distributed hash tables
  • [[SETI@home]] was established in 1999
  • Overlay network diagram for a '''structured P2P network''', using a [[distributed hash table]] (DHT) to identify and locate nodes/resources
  • [[Torrent file]] connect peers
  • seed]] (large system at the bottom), the pieces are individually transferred from client to client. The original seeder only needs to send out one copy of the file for all the clients to receive a copy.
  • Overlay network diagram for an '''unstructured P2P network''', illustrating the ad hoc nature of the connections between nodes
  • Search results for the query "[[software libre]]", using [[YaCy]] a free [[distributed search engine]] that runs on a peer-to-peer network instead of making requests to centralized index servers (like [[Google]], [[Yahoo]], and other corporate search engines)
Peer to peer; Peer-to-peer network; Peer-to-Peer; Peer to peer network; Peer 2 peer; Peer2peer; Peer-to-peer networking; Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems and Incentive Mechanisms; CoopNet content distribution system; P2P network; Peer (Networking); Peer to Peer; Peer-to-peer communications; Peer-to-peer computing; Peer-to-peer protocol; P2p services; P2P services; Peer-to-peer (computing); P2P Network; CoopNet; Peer-to-peer networks; Peer-to-peer (network architecture); Peer-to-peer model; P2P networks; Peer-to Peer; Peer-to-peer communication; Social impact of peer-to-peer networks; Applications of peer-to-peer networks; P2p networks; Peer (networking); Structured peer-to-peer network; Unstructured peer-to-peer network; Political implications of peer-to-peer networks; Peer network
связь абонентов с паритетными (равноуровневыми) полномочиями, связь равноправных абонентов; связь между равноправными узлами (сети связи)


а, м.
1. Отрезной талон ценной бумаги. Стричь купоны - жить на доходы с ценных бумаг, с капитала.
2. устар. Билет на место в театральной ложе.
3. устар. Отрез ткани на костюм, юбку и т.п., обычно рассчитанный на определенный раскрой, с рас-положенной в соответствии с ним вышивкой, каймой, рисунком. Купонный - относящийся к купону, купонам.


Одноранговая сеть

Однора́нговая, децентрализо́ванная или пи́ринговая (англ. peer-to-peer, P2P — равный к равному) сеть — оверлейная компьютерная сеть, основанная на равноправии участников. Часто в такой сети отсутствуют выделенные серверы, а каждый узел (peer) как является клиентом, так и выполняет функции сервера. В отличие от архитектуры клиент-сервера, такая организация позволяет сохранять работоспособность сети при любом количестве и любом сочетании доступных узлов. Участниками сети являются все узлы.

Примеры произношения для P2P
1. Why not do P2P?
Startups, Digital, Retail, and Beyond _ Brent Hoberman _ Talks at Google
2. sort of unpredictable P2P way.
Writing on the Wall - Social Media - The First 2,000 Years _ Tom Standage _ Talks at Google
3. it's always P2P, which is whether you're
Yiying Lu _ Empowering Through Cross-Cultural Design & Innovation _ Talks at Google
4. So it's horizontal, P2P conversational transfer
Writing on the Wall - Social Media - The First 2,000 Years _ Tom Standage _ Talks at Google
5. He started Prosper, which is actually the first P2P--
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для P2P
1. The precise impact of P2P on sales is also a moot point.
2. IMP itself uses a form of P2P software to allow the files to be downloaded.
3. IFPI said that in Argentina four out of 10 Internet users had unauthorised p2p services.
4. And this despite a wave of legal activity against the peer–to–peer technology (P2P) that underpins Cohen‘s brainchild.
5. IFPI‘s media release refers to "thousands" of prosecutions but a spokeswoman told the FT that to date there have been 521 sanctions made against P2P music pirates.